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Spot welding machine for welding sinks into counters

Specially designed spot welding machine for waterproof joining of sink-basin into a custom designed countertop.

Spot welding machine for waterproof joining of sink-basin into a custom designed countertop

Our machine offers fast, easy and cost-effective, watertight welding of inox sinks and drainers into inox counters and worktops. It is suitable for welding stainless steel sinks, bowls, fryers, basins of all shapes and sizes into kitchen countertops, worktops and drainers to use in gastronomy (HORECA) and medicine.

Choosing spot/roll welding over gas Tungsten arc welding (TIG) or seam welding, enables our customers more flexibility in designing and production of their worktops, since PROFISPOT-S offers higher speeds, higher quality and less deformation than Tungsten arc welding (TIG).  The result is a seam weld, which is waterproof, but does not cause any deformation in the sheet metal.

We offer  also guiding sub-tables, placed under the countertop, for easy handling and to support the weight of larger countertops, so that only one unqualified worker is needed. The worker does not need to rotate the countertop or program the machine at our semi automatic model, because the machine follows the shape of the sink-bowl automatically. Therefore any shape of the sink-bowl can be welded-in without any machine setting up or CNC programming. Our CNC machine does it all without any operator.

PROFISPOT-CNC® Pressure Seam Roll Welding Machines

Select your CNC Roll Welding machine

PROFISPOT-CNC-R® CNC Seam Roll Welding Machines

CNC Sink Roll Welding Machines

PROFIGRIND-CNC-R® CNC Seam Grinding Machines

CNC Grinding Machines for welded Sink Seam

Advantages of our automatic Sink Seam welding machines

  • Time savings: welding finished in 90~120 seconds per average sized sink.
  • Superb welding quality. Product without any deformation and bending in the sheet metal.
  • Quick investment turnover. HIGH ROI.
  • Simple operation.
  • No qualified work force needed for semi automatic type(only one worker needed).
  • Watertight welding.
  • Rotation of the countertop is not needed.
  • No limits for the counter dimensions.
  • No need for CNC-PLC programming.
  • Automatic guidance according to the basin-sink shape.
  • Cooling water can be recycled.